1.6569 is 0 (zero) rounded off the the nearest ten.
The answer is 20
225 can be rounded to 230 : to the nearest ten.
1 rounded to the nearest ten is zero.
1.6569 is 0 (zero) rounded off the the nearest ten.
16 is rounded to 20 if rounded to the ten's digit.
280,000 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is still 280,000 but if it is rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand it is 300,000
It is 2940.
The answer is 20
225 can be rounded to 230 : to the nearest ten.
125 rounded off the nearest ten is 130.
1 rounded to the nearest ten is zero.
98.2537 rounded off to the nearest tenth is rounded off the the nearest ten is 100.