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I think you mean the volume. It is the base x height x length.

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Q: What it the formula for the area in a box?
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What is the formula for find of a box rectangular prism?

The formula will depend on what it is that you are trying to find: the volume or the surface area.

Where in the worksheet area will you find the name box in Excel?

The Name Box is at the left end of the Formula Bar.

Formula for surface area of a box?

Add all the area of six faces of the box in gerneral the surface area of a cube shape box is 6a2 and of cuboid is 2(lb x bh x hl)

How do you determine the area of a cylindrical box?

To determine the area of a cylindrical box, you need to calculate the sum of the areas of its curved surface and its two circular bases. The formula for the curved surface area is given by 2πrh, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the box. The formula for the area of the circular base is πr^2. Add the two areas together to get the total surface area of the cylindrical box.

Formula for surface area of an open box?

An open box is a cube that is missing one face. so, given a open box of indeterminate Width, Length, and Height, the formula for the surface area (including the inside) is 2(2(W * H) + (W * L) + 2(L * H)).

What is the formula for finding the surface area of box?

Take the area (Length x Width) of every side and add all of the areas together.

How do you work out the pressure of a box?

To calculate the pressure of a box, you can divide the force applied on the box by the area over which the force is distributed. This can be represented by the formula: Pressure = Force / Area. The unit of pressure is typically measured in Pascals (Pa) or atmospheres (atm).

How can you use the formula for the surface area of a box to find the surface area of a cube?

The surface area of a box, which is a cuboid, depends on its length, width and height. A cube is a special type of cuboid in which the length , width and height are all the same.

What is the formula to find the surface area of a juice box?

If the box is a cuboid with length L, breadth B and height H units, then the total surface area is2*(L*B + B*H + H*L) square units.

How is the formula for the parallelogram related to the area formula of the rectangle?

The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

What is the formula of the rectangular box?

The answer depends on what the formula is for: its surface area, volume, mass or any other characteristic. And since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

The box to the left of the formula bar?

Name Box