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You need math for everything weather its a job in the CIA or even a grabage man, you need math no matter where you go math is always there sometimes you would recongize it and sometimes you won't.

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Q: What job in the CIA do you need to know math in?
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Why do you need to know the properties of math?

To get smarter and get a better job that pays more.

What type of education or experience do you need to apply for job in CIA?

That's classified.

How much math do you need to know in order to be in the military?

depends on what job u want to do in the military, a foot soldier doesn't need to be a math genius but a military engineer might

How is math use in your daily lives?

how you use math its easy when your older for car payments bills and more and when your a teen and you get a job at a store you need to know numbers numbers are math

What are some jobs you need to know math?

Ever job you take always have math but you won't see it well sometimes you reliaze it. For example; a doctor needs math because he/she needs to know how much medicine a patient needs or gets. A parent needs math everyday because they need to know how much food to make for the family.

How does math help the community?

Math is everywhere in this world, if you don't know math, you may be in big trouble, you may not have a job or get fired on your recent job.

How much education do you need to be in the CIA?

Generally speaking, you need an undergraduate degree. However, the CIA has many job descriptions, each with its own requirements, so some require graduate degrees as well.

What are five things that you need to know before entering a job?

you need to know that you have to make money and you have to do what people want and you have to know how to get a job you need to know where to find a place that gives you jobs and you need to know if you are smart enough to do the math to be a casheir. and you also have to be 16 or older to have a car to drive yourself to your job. you have to eat a good breakfast ever day to be in a good mood so the manager at your new job dosent fire your pants off! you have to be a good employee FROM ME

Why Do Gymnasts need Math?

Gymnasts need math because math is in are everyday life, and when gymnasts are in their late 20s it is time for us to retire and to get a job.

How does engineering use math as a job?

Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!

What is the deal with math?

We use math in our everyday lives even when were just counting fruit we have math so when u get a job you might need to know how to do math. We use math everyday but you may not realize it!!!! If we didn't have math we would be no where on this world we use it every single day in our lives!

Why is math used in everyday lives?

Math is used everyday for jobs in the world. Maybe you won't get a job that includes algebra, but you have to learn it anyway. Also, if you get a job with cooking you will need math.