Almost NONE. 97% of all jobs use a 6th grade level or less to do their jobs. Algebra is not needed anymore now because computer software do the math for almost all things that used algebra like engineering or architecture. It is an outdated idea that it is a good thing to know algebra unless you are going into theoretical sciences which is less than 1/2 of 1% of the population. Personally I went all the way through Calculus in HS and college made me take it again as a Biology and Computer Science double major. Never needed anything above exponents to do the work or program.
An Algebra Teacher
100% of jobs use algebra in some form or another.
U use algebra in your daily life because you could need it in jobs or careers when you get old enough to have them. Also people like algebra and have jobs like accounting so you have to learn it... ! ...
Some jobs that need Algebra are chemistry.
Math is used everyday for jobs in the world. Maybe you won't get a job that includes algebra, but you have to learn it anyway. Also, if you get a job with cooking you will need math.
An Algebra Teacher
100% of jobs use algebra in some form or another.
U use algebra in your daily life because you could need it in jobs or careers when you get old enough to have them. Also people like algebra and have jobs like accounting so you have to learn it... ! ...
Many people use Algebra, like doctors, builders, archetecs. Many people with good jobs use Algebra so that's why its is very important to learn Algebra. You truly use it in the future when you grow up.Algebraists use algebra.
Lets say if your an engineer and you need to measure something.You use algebra.Lets say if ur a scientist and you need to do a fancy use algebra. Excuse me, i need to do my algebra.
Some jobs that need Algebra are chemistry.
for 99.99% of jobs, you will never need to know algebra or the formulas or how they work. 97% of all jobs use 6th grade math or less to do their jobs. Only a TINY fraction of 1% of jobs, like theoretical Physics needs to know algebra. Computer programming is mostly done by the COTS method and only a tiny fraction of programmers or engineers ever use Algebra. It is a complete waste of time to take algebra classes in HS or College unless you plan to be in the tiny percentage of theoretical science jobs. Certainly the same is true of any higher math above algebra, like trig or calculus. 50 years ago before today's computers and software and apps, anyone who knew higher math had a great advantage in getting a job. But today it is meaningless to know for over 97% of the jobs in the current technology world. The largest number of people who need to know algebra are algebra teachers. That is like saying the people who need to know how to cook on a potbellied wood burning stove are people who teach others how to cook on pot bellied wood burning stoves.
all enginering jobs eg eletrical mechanical civil and much much more
There are lots of them. One of them is engineer, another is math teacher.
Math is used everyday for jobs in the world. Maybe you won't get a job that includes algebra, but you have to learn it anyway. Also, if you get a job with cooking you will need math.
Almost every job.