

What kept bothering zero?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What kept bothering zero?
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Sentences with the word bothering?

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Keep bothering someone.

who just had a bad morning like me my siblings kept bothering me and my sister is bothering me now.?

thats what siblings meant to do isn't it?

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It means "Stop bothering me"

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If your ex is bothering you or harassing you get an order of protection or go to the police.

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Tell your friend to stop bothering you or tell an adult

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If I were you, I would punch him on his face and then yell at him to stop bothering me.

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Bothering has 3 syllables. (Both-er-ing).

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If a magnetic needle is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, it will experience a torque that will tend to align the needle with the field lines. The direction in which the needle aligns will depend on the variation in the magnetic field strength. In regions of stronger field, the needle will align differently compared to regions of weaker field.

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they kept teasing stanley about teaching zero how to read and write

How does zero change in the novel holes?

Zero starts the novel as a "nobody". He doesn't talk, he doesn't have any opinions, he just does his own thing without bothering anyone else. As he gets closer to Stanley, though, Zero opens up about his life, makes a startling confession, and learns and grows, eventually finding his own place in the world by the end of the story.