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Q: What kind of bird has orange triangle on back of head?
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Which bird is tan with a pale-orange tail and a crested head like a titmouse?

I think it is most likely the Baltimore Oriole Bird, because it has a orange tail and the head is kind of what you meant. I hope this helped. :)

What does an American Robin look like?

MALE- full black and orange belly. FEMALE-Head,back are black, neck white with black stripes, and orange belly.

What kind of bird has a white body with orange breast and orange tuft on its head?

i think its a white bellyed caique

What does a oriole look like?

The Baltimore oriole is a bird that is brightly colored. The male oriole has an orange colored breast with a black head. The female has an yellow-orange breast and a gray colored head.

A black and white bird with an orange beak often found wading estuaries?

That could be many different birds, but your best guess is the American Oystercatcher. This bird lives in coastal habitats, where it eats mussels and clams. It has a dark brown/black back, black head, and a bright orange bill.

What bird is black and orange neck?

That's a fairly general question, but the American Avocet (in breeding plumage) has a black and white body and an orange neck and head.

What kind of bird hasBlack wings white body black head big orange beak?

Puffin maybe

What bird of prey has white spots on back of head?

African Grey

What kind of bird has yellow and black body and red orange head?

the bird is called an American goldfinch. we have a billion of them and they love thistle.