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It depends on what you are trying to show. If you want to show how the categories relate to the entire collection of data, use a pie chart. If you want to show how the categories relate to each other, you may want to consider a column chart. Recommend you try both in Excel (it takes little effort to drop two charts on a worksheet) and see which one displays the data the way you want.

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Q: What kind of chart is better for showing 10 categories a pie or column chart?
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What chart is best used to show rankings in Excel?

A column chart is good for showing rankings.

Which type of chart is best for comparing data across categories in excel?

Usually a column chart, but it depends on what exactly you want to do and the nature of the data.

Is column the only one what charts to compare relative values from different categories to the whole?

No, you can also use Pie chart and Doughnut Chart.

What is an Axis in Excel?

The boundary of a chart across the bottom and up the side can be the axis. It depends on the kind of charts. They are use to have the values or categories of data. In a column chart, the base of the column is at the X Axis for example.

When Excel is installed the default chart type for a PowerPoint slide is what chart?

A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.A column chart.

Which type of chart is best for highlighting trends in data?

A column chart is a good choice for showing trends in data because viewers can easily identify trends by looking at the columns.

What chart is best for highlighting trends in data?

A column chart is a good choice for showing trends in data because viewers can easily identify trends by looking at the columns.

How do you change a line chart to a column chart?

If you click on the chart and then right-click on the mouse and pick Chart Type and then choose the column chart you want.

What is the differences between stacked and clustered column charts?

A clustered column chart is where you have different coloured columns for each category/series, whereas a stacked is where you have one column with different categories/series stacked up on the one column, i.e. will look like a column of many colours.

What is a graph that is good for showing percentages?

A pie chart can be used if there are 3-8 categories and none of the percentages are very large or very small.

How do you change a column chart ao a pie chart?

Not all column charts can be converted to pie charts. It can only be done if the column chart has a single series, as a pie chart can only have one series. If the column chart has more than one series, only one series will be shown when it becomes a pie chart. If the column chart has a single series then going to the Chart menu and choosing Chart type will enable you to change it.

What chart categorizes information?

A bar chart is a common type of chart that categorizes information by displaying data using horizontal or vertical bars of varying lengths. It is useful for comparing different categories of data and showing trends over time.