

Best Answer

preliminary surveys are conducted because of the following reasons....

1)Allooo Kia dozen chal raha hain..?

2)doodh kia kilo mil raha hai...?

3)kuttoun ki mardam shumari ka lia..?

4)how many people wash their socks daily...?

5)how many people died becaus of excess of 02 in the air..?

I Hope This Might be Enoungh ...w'd love to hear you..TC

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Q: What kind of data are collected during preliminary surveys?
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What kind of data is collected during preliminary serveys?

During preliminary surveys, data related to the target population, research objectives, potential challenges, and feasibility of the study is typically collected. This may include demographic information, existing literature and knowledge gaps, potential research methods, and initial insights into the research topic. It helps in refining the research questions and designing the study effectively.

Are preliminary (or data gathering) surveys plane surveys?

No, preliminary or data gathering surveys are not plane surveys. Preliminary surveys are conducted to gather information and data about a site or project area before designing and carrying out the actual plane survey. Plane surveys involve measuring and mapping the land or other surface features in a two-dimensional plane.

Why do we collect data in surveys and questionnaires?

It is simply one way in which information can be collected.

How can data be collected?

There are several ways that data can be collected that include interviews and research. Other methods used to collect data include surveys, phone calls, and by direct observation.

What is the info collected during during the experiment?


What is data in biology?

Data is the information collected during an experiment

What is the info collected during an experiment?


What is first hand and second hand data?

first hand data is information that you have collected. Second hand data is information that a different source have collected.

What term describes the data collected during an experiment?

The term that describes the data collected during an experiment is "experimental data". This data is gathered through observations, measurements, and other methods during the experimental process to analyze and draw conclusions.

What is sampling error?

Sampling errors are errors in the data collected during the carrying out of quantitative data surveys. They can occur for various reasons, e.g. surveys that were incorrectly filled out. It is generally said that a survey needs to have a margin of error of under 3% to be statistically significant.

Info collected during an experiment is called?

IT is data

Data collected during an experiment is called what?
