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Q: What kind of data shows relationships between variables?
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Why do scientists display data in graphs?

Graphs are a convenient way to display relationships between variables.

What is CROSS sectional study retrospective study?

A cross-sectional study is a type of observational research that analyzes data collected from a population at a single point in time to assess relationships between variables. In contrast, a retrospective study looks at past data to investigate possible links between exposure and outcome variables.

A diagram that tells how two variables are related is called what?

A diagram that shows how two variables are related is called a "scatter plot." It is a visual representation of the relationship between the two variables, often used to identify patterns or trends in the data.

What type of graph is most useful for making predictions about dependent variables?

A regression graph is most useful for predicting dependent variables, as it shows the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, allowing for the prediction of future values.

How can you use a circle graph to show data about how body mass changes with height?

You cannot. A circle graph cannot be used to illustrate relationships between two variables.

What is a relational study?

A relational study is a research method that examines the relationships between two or more variables to determine how they are connected or associated. These studies often involve analyzing data to identify patterns, correlations, or causal relationships between the variables being studied. The goal is to gain insight into how changes in one variable may affect another.

What is the contingency table?

A contingency table is a display of the frequency distribution of two or more categorical variables. It shows the relationship between the variables by organizing the data into rows and columns, with the intersection cells showing the frequency of each combination of variables. Contingency tables are commonly used in statistics to analyze the association between categorical variables.

What is measured by the data collected in an experiment?

The data collected in an experiment measures the variables identified in the research question or hypothesis. These measurements help to quantify the relationships between different factors and provide evidence to support or reject the hypothesis.

Which sociological research method is most likelyto produce quantitative data that will cause and effect relationships?

Experimental research method is most likely to produce quantitative data that shows cause-and-effect relationships within sociology. This method involves manipulating one or more variables to observe their effect on another variable in a controlled environment, allowing researchers to establish causal relationships with greater certainty.

What are variables in a questionnaire?

Variables in a questionnaire are characteristics or attributes that can be measured or evaluated, such as age, gender, income level, or satisfaction score. These variables help researchers gather data and analyze relationships between different factors in a study. They provide a way to quantify and categorize information obtained from survey respondents.

How to analyze information to identify patterns and trends?

To analyze information for patterns and trends, start by organizing the data and identifying key variables. Use statistical techniques like correlation analysis, regression analysis, and data visualization tools to spot patterns. Look out for recurring themes, anomalies, or relationships between variables to uncover trends in the data.

What is predicted y?

Predicted y is the value that a model generates based on input variables and learned relationships between those variables. This value represents the model's estimation of the outcome based on the data it has been trained on.