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circle graph

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Q: What kind of graph is most useful when you want to show data that are parts of a whole?
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The type of graph that shows data as parts or percentage of a whole is called?

pie graph

Which type of graph shows how parts of a data set are related to the whole and to each other?

A graph that shows proportions of different parts (of a whole) is a Pie chart.

What is an example of data that could be displayed on a circle graph?

Parts of a whole.

What type of graph shows data as parts or percentages of a whole?

pie chart

Which type of graph shows the relative percents of the parts that make up the whole?

A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.

What data is best displayed on a circle graph?

A circle graph, or pie chart is best used for showing parts of a whole.

Which graph or chart represents data as part of a whole?

A pie graph represent data as a part of a whole, showing the separate portions of the data in accordance to the whole.

A bar graph is useful to?

show distribution of data.

How can comparing a map and a graph be useful?

it tells you data

What makes a climate graph useful?

There are a few different things that will make a climate graph more useful. Having data for a long period of time makes this graph very useful.

What type of graph is most useful for science data?

if you are graphing a change over time, a line graph. if you are comparing data, it's a bar graph.

What type of graph is best for a survey?

A bar graph or pie chart are commonly used for survey results as they effectively display percentages or frequencies of responses. Bar graphs are useful for comparing data between different categories, while pie charts are helpful for showing the composition of the whole in terms of parts.