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Q: What kind of graph would you use to show the heights of all women between ages 18 and 24?
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What type of graph would be best to use for representing the heights of the students in a math class while still showing their individual heights?

You can use graph paper

Whaich graph would best show heights?

Line plot

The normal curve would represent the distribution of?

American women in terms of their physical heights.

What graph would you use to determine a persons height?

You would not use a graph to determine one person's height at a single point in time. You could use a line graph to track the height of a person over time. You could use a histogram to determine the heights of lots of people at one time.

Why would you use a bar graph?

When wanting to compare information. It makes it easy to see the differences in the heights of 2 or more bars side by side.

What are the differences between a Speed vs. Kinetic Energy Graph between a Mass vs. Kinetic Energy Graph?

Look at the equation for kinetic energy.It is clear that relation between mass and kinetic energy is linear (you would get a straight line on the graph), while the relation between speed and kinetic energy is quadratic (you would get a curve, specifically a parabola).

What type of graph or chart would be best for showing the relation between bird wing length and average flight distance?

The best graph or chart that would be used for showing the relation between bird wing length and average flight distance is the line graph. This type of graph will best show the relation between the two.

Which type of graph or chart would be best for showing the relationship between paintball mass and distance traveled?

Line graph. I would suggest a scatter graph. That would allow you to determine the line of best fit.

Which type of graph would be best for showing the relationship between paintball mass and distance traveled?

Line graph

What would a scientist use to show comparisons between variables?

A graph

Why do you not connect the data points on your graph?

There are times when there is no logic in doing so. For example, suppose you had a graph of the heights and weights of a class of students. Each data point would be an ordered pair representing the height and weight of a particular student. What, if anything, would a line connecting one student to the next represent?

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.