They are perpendicular lines that meet at right angles which is 90 degrees.
Either they are parallel to or they intersect each other.
Angles are formed when two lines intersect (depends on the way the lines intersect to determine what kind of angles they are). Since parallel lines do not intersect each other at all, there is no angle between them.
a right angle
If they make right angles they are perpendicular. If they do not make a right angle, they are intersecting.
Only three types of angles can be formed by two intesecting lines. Obtuse, acute, and right.
Perpendicular lines form right angles at their intersections.
Either they are parallel to or they intersect each other.
Angles are formed when two lines intersect (depends on the way the lines intersect to determine what kind of angles they are). Since parallel lines do not intersect each other at all, there is no angle between them.
a right angle
Mutually perpendicular lines.
Right angles are formed by perpendicular lines. If the lines would extend, to make two intersecting lines.
By definition, any lines/segments that are perpendicular to each other either do, or (in the case of non-intersecting segments) would, intersect each other at right angles. A right angle being a 90* angle. Therefore, perpendicular, intersecting line segments will form 4 90* angles.
If they make right angles they are perpendicular. If they do not make a right angle, they are intersecting.
Only three types of angles can be formed by two intesecting lines. Obtuse, acute, and right.
Perpendicular lines are a specific kind of intersecting lines. Intersecting lines are any two lines that cross through each other. Depending on how they cross each other, they may make angles from 170 degrees to 1 degree. Perpendicular lines are specifically two straight lines that cross each other at right angles, so that they create angles that are 90 degrees.
It depends on how you define "ways" and how you define "lines" and how you define "intersect" and what kind of geometry you're talking about, but in Euclidean geometry, lines either never intersect, or they intersect at a single point, or they can intersect at all points within the lines.
A right angle.