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Q: What kind of mathematical sentences express at least and at most questions about linear functions?
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Related questions

What is declarative intterogative imperative and exclamatory?

Declarative sentences make statements. Interrogative sentences ask questions. Imperative sentences give commands or make requests. Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or feelings.

What does express mean in mathematical terms?

It means "a Mathematical Expression".

What does declarative interrogativve imperative and exclamatory mean?

Declarative sentences make statements, interrogative sentences ask questions, imperative sentences give commands or make requests, and exclamatory sentences express strong emotion or excitement. Each type of sentence serves a different purpose in communication.

What is a mathematical phrase?

Mathematical phrase is a number phrase which does not express a complete thought.

How do you express a mathematical equation as text?


What are the functions of sentences?

Sentences serve to convey information, express ideas, ask questions, give commands, and connect thoughts in written or spoken language. They are the basic unit of communication that allows us to convey meaning and share our thoughts with others.

What are the types of sentences?

They are :Declarative - statements, like I am going to the movies.Interrogative - questions, like Are you going to the movies?Exclamatory - show feelings or emotions, like That movie rocked!Imperative sentences - commands or requests, like Take me to the movies.

Sentences that end in a period are called what?

Sentences that end in a period are called declarative sentences. These sentences make a statement or express an opinion.

What kinds of sentences use periods?

Periods are typically used at the end of declarative sentences, which make statements or express facts. They are also used at the end of imperative sentences that give commands or make requests, as well as at the end of indirect questions.

Does rissing intonation senteces?

Rising intonation typically occurs in sentences that are questions or express uncertainty. It involves the pitch of the voice rising at the end of the sentence. This can imply that the speaker is seeking confirmation or further information.

What is the grammatical functions of verb's?

To express action

How do you move sentences in outlook express?

Drag and drop, same as in Word.