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either Irrational Numbers, integers, integers, rational numbers, or whole


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Q: What kind of numbers are decimals with a repeating pattern of digits?
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Is a repeating decimal rational?

yes, repeating decimals (those that have infinite - never ending - number of digits after the decimal point and these decimals show repeating pattern) are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions.

Why is 3.14 rational but π is not?

3.14 has a finite number of digits. All numbers with a finite number of digits are rational. Pi has an infinite number of digits, AND the digits don't repeat in a regular pattern. (Numbers with repeating decimals are rational as well.)

When expressed as a decimals rational number will be what or repeating?

When expressed as a decimal, a rational number will either be terminating (end with a finite number of digits) or repeating (have a repeating pattern of digits).

How many forms can you write a decimal number?

There are essentially three forms:Terminating decimals: 386 or 23.567,Recurring decimals: 36.572343434... (with 34 repeating),Non-terminating infinite decimals: these represent irrational numbers for which the digits after the decimal point go on for ever without falling into a repeating pattern.

Are all terminating and repeating numbers rational numbers?

All decimals that terminate, or end with a repeating set of digits are rational numbers. eg 1.234, 1.222..., 1.232323..., 1.23444..., 1.2343434... are all rational numbers.

What is the definition for repeting decimals?

A decimal with a continuously repeating digits or group of digits

Why are there repeating decimals?

Some numbers cannot be written exactly and their decimals repeat infinitely. The best example is 1/3 written as a decimal. It is 0.33333 going on infinitely. Some have multiple digits that keep repeating.

Are repeating decimals an irrational number?

A repeating decimal is a rational number. Its value is(the repeating set of digits)/(as many 9s as there are digits above).

What is non repeating decimals?

That can refer to one of two types of decimals: terminatingand irrational.Terminating decimals don't repeat because they stop, whereas irrational decimals simply never repeat a distinct pattern of digits.

What is the definition of repeating decimals in mathematics?

Repeating decimals consist of a fixed string of digits which repeat infinitely in the decimal representation of a number. These may start anywhere after a finite number of digits.

Positive or negative decimals that are nonterminating and nonrepeating or have a pattern in their digits but do not repeat exactly are?

Irrational numbers.

In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over a repeating decimal?

It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.