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A simple pendulum.

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Q: What kind of pendulum is playground swing?
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Related questions

How is swinging on a playground swing related to resonance?

it all has to do with a pendulum when you swing back and forth you are using potenial and kinetic enery

What kind of simple machine is a swing?

A pendulum.

What are the examples of the pendulum motion?

Examples of pendulum motion include a grandfather clock pendulum swinging back and forth, a playground swing moving back and forth, and a metronome ticking back and forth.

What is the name of the bottom of the pendulum swing?

The bottom of the pendulum swing is called the equilibrium position.

What word is in common with golf and playground?

The word is swing. Golfers swing the golf club. Children play on a swing at the playground.

How can you make a pendulum to swing faster?

You can make a pendulum swing faster by increasing its initial height or by shortening the length of the pendulum. Both of these actions will result in a larger potential energy that will be converted into kinetic energy, causing the pendulum to swing faster.

for a playground swing, identify a dead load?

the swing

What happens to acceleration of pendulum at its lowest point of its swing?

The acceleration of a pendulum is zero at the lowest point of its swing.

For a playground swing, identify a live load?

the person on the swing

What variables affect the swing of a pendulum?

The variables that affect the swing of a pendulum are its length, mass, and the amplitude of its initial displacement. A longer pendulum will have a slower swing rate, while a heavier mass will also affect the period of oscillation. Amplitude plays a role in determining the maximum speed of the pendulum swing.

What makes a pendulm swing fast or slow?

The speed of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum arm and the force applied to set it in motion. A shorter pendulum will swing faster, while a longer pendulum will swing slower. Additionally, factors such as air resistance and friction can also affect the speed of a pendulum swing.

What is a complete swing of a pendulum called?

A complete swing of a pendulum is called an oscillation or a cycle. It consists of the pendulum moving from one side to the other and back again.