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Q: What kind of slope gives you lines that are close together?
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Two contour lines that are close together show a steep slope?

Yes, two contour lines that are close together indicate a steep slope on a topographic map. The closer the lines are, the steeper the slope. Further apart lines show a gentler slope.

How do you contour lines show a steep slope?

How close together the brown contour lines are Yes, the closer the contours the steeper the slope. Flat land, by definition, has no contour lines.

How can you tell where the slope is steep just by looking at contour lines?

Where the slope is steep the contour lines will come close together.

What represents a steep slope on a map?

Steep slope is indicated by topo lines close together.

What landform is shown by many contour lines that are very close together?

A steep slope or cliff is shown by many contour lines that are very close together. The closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope.

What On a topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a .?

Contour lines that are close together on a topographic map indicate an area of steep slope. If they essentially overlap you have a cliff.

Do two contour lines that are close together show a steep slope?

Yes, when two contour lines are close together, it indicates a steep slope. The closer the contour lines are, the steeper the slope.

A topographic map indicates that a mountain's slope is very steep by using?

contour lines that are close together. Steeper slopes are shown with contour lines that are closely spaced together, indicating rapid changes in elevation.

What arrangement of contour lines shows that the land is steep?

When contour lines are close together it indicates steep terrain. The closer the lines, the steeper the slope.

What On the topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a?

Contour lines that are close together indicate steep terrain or a rapid change in elevation. The closer the contour lines are, the steeper the slope.

Are contour lines on a slope spaced wide apart then the slope is very steep?

No, contour lines that are spaced close together on a map indicate a steep slope, while contour lines spaced widely apart indicate a gentle slope.

Would a steep slope on a topographical map have lines close together or far apart?

they have to be close together if they are far apart it means it is a flat area