The number that represents ILX is Fifty-nine (Aka 59).
Iv is 4 IV is the Roman number 4. V is the Roman number 5.
Answer 5 Roman numeral v
the roman number II stands for the number 2 in English
The number one is I in roman numerals.
togas. robe kind of things wraped around
They would see Greek and Romans tragedies and comedies and Roman satire.
The number that represents ILX is Fifty-nine (Aka 59).
Iv is 4 IV is the Roman number 4. V is the Roman number 5.
Answer 5 Roman numeral v
Seneca, a roman writer and Senator who lived in 40 AD wrote that the Roman crowd screamed at the gladiators "Kill him! Flog him Burn him alive! ... Why is he such a coward? ... Why does he fall so meekly? Why won't he die willingly?"
the roman number II stands for the number 2 in English
The number one is I in roman numerals.
It means the number 3.
The number 1 is not a Roman numeral. The Roman numeral IX represents the number 9.
The number 24 in Roman numerals is XXIV.
The roman number IV or iv represents the number 4.