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scatter chart

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Q: What kinda chart is used to visually determine whether there is a relationship between two variables?
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To visually determine whether there is a relationship between two variables?

Scatter chart

What is a popular form of summary many sociologists utilize to quickly and clearly show a relationship between two variables?

Sociologists often use scatter plots to visually represent the relationship between two variables. This graphical tool helps quickly identify patterns and trends in the data, showing the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables.

Can a correlated study determine when there is lack of a relationship between two variables?

Sure. If you can observe that when variable A changed, variable B didn't change, and this happens repeatedly, that is a good indication that there is no relationship between those variables.

How can you determine if a relationship between two variables is a function from a graph?

The relationship is a function if a vertical line intersects the graph at most once.

What is correlational survey?

Correlational surveys involve measuring the relationship between two or more variables without manipulating them. By collecting data on these variables from a sample of participants, researchers can determine the extent to which changes in one variable are associated with changes in another, providing insight into potential patterns or connections between the variables.

What are the steps in causal relations?

Identify the variables: Determine the variables involved in the relationship. Establish causation: Determine if changes in one variable directly cause changes in another. Control for confounding variables: Consider and address other factors that may influence the relationship. Establish directionality: Determine the direction of cause and effect between the variables. Test causation: Conduct experiments or analyze data to test and confirm the causal relationship.

What graphical technique should be used to display a correlation?

A scatter plot is a graphical technique commonly used to display correlations between two variables. It allows you to visually observe the relationship between the variables and assess the strength and direction of the correlation.

What is relation between mathematics and geography?

Linear Analysis is a technique used in statistics to determine the constant relationship between two variables.

What are the relations between the different variables?

There are no relations between different variables. If you want to enable a relationship between variables, you must write the code to implement that relationship. Encapsulating the variables within a class is the most obvious way of defining a relationship between variables.

If coefficient of correlation r between two variables is zero does it mean that there is no relationship between the variables Justify your answer?

"If coefficient of correlation, "r" between two variables is zero, does it mean that there is no relationship between the variables? Justify your answer".

What type of graph shows a direct relationship between variables?

type the equation that shows the relationship between the variables in this chart.

Used to show the relationship between two variables?

Line graph is used to show relationship between two variables.