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Q: What kinds of numbers would not be sensible for the values of the variables?
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What are the values that are used in a function?

There are several possibilities. They can be called arguments and there are two kinds, variables and constants. Variables can have different values and constants are always the same.

What are the 3 kinds of variables?

independent variable,depedent variable and control variable are the 3 kinds of variables.

What are the 2 kinds of values?

The two kinds of values are intrinsic values, which are values that are inherently important or worthwhile, and extrinsic values, which are values that are based on external factors such as rewards or approval from others.

What are the kinds of variables and their classification?

There are two main ways in which variables can be classified:They can be classified according to their functional role intocontrol,independent, ordependent.They can also be classified by the values that they can take, intoqualitative: categorical eg apple, banana, orangequantitative: numerical data. these can be further classified into discrete or continuous.

What are the kinds of human values?

There are many kinds of human values including physical values. One other very important kind of human value are moral values.

What are the two kinds of values?

absolute moral values and behavioral or cultural values

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There's no sensible answer to that, as there are too many different kinds of cycling.

What are the kinds of humanities?

There are many kinds of human values including physical values. One other very important kind of human value are moral values.

What are the kinds of variables in a science project?

independent, dependent, controlled

What are the three different kinds of variable and describe each?

the three kinds of variables are independent,dependent and controlled

What are the three kinds of numbers?

Real numbers, imaginary numbers and irrational numbers are three kinds of numbers. Others are rational numbers, algebraic numbers and primes numbers. There are many more.

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