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That was King Soloman.

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Q: What king threathened to cut a child in half?
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What king threatened to cut a child in half?

King Salomon threatened to cut a new born child in half because two women were both saying that the child was theirs, and after he threatened to cut him in half, the real mother said "Oh please don't, let this women have it, for i can't bear seeing the child in half".King Salomon though Gave the baby to that women, because the other one didn't say anything against it meaningshe didn't really care. God then offered to reward Salomon with whatever he wanted. Salomon asked for nothing but wisdom. (which corrupted him in the future)

What did king soloman order to be done to settle a dispute about a child?

Solomon ordered that the child be cut in half, with each half going to the disputing women. The first woman offered to give the child to the second woman, while the second woman stated that the child should be cut in half. Solomon thus concluded that the first woman was the real mother of the child.

How should you Punctuate this sentenceThe king walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off?

It should be--- The king walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off.

Where is the passage about cutting the baby in half found in the Bible?

The baby in question was not cut in half, but was a question posed to two women claiming to be the mothers of a child. When King Solomon challenged his guard to divide the child equally to both mothers "cut the child in half" the real mother screamed that she was not the mother and begged to let the other woman (not the real mother) have the child. This let the King know who the real mother was. Only the real mother loved the baby enough to be willing to give up her right to the child to save the child's life. King Solomon awarded the child to the real mother. 1 Kings 3:16-28.

The king walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off where commas?

The sentence could be revised with commas as: "The king walked and talked half an hour after, his head was cut off."

Why did king Solomon want to cut the child into two haives?

King Solomon didn't want to cut the child. He wanted to find out who the real parent was, and he knew that a real parent would never allow their child to be harmed, but would give up the child first.

Who told two arguing mothers to cut the baby in half?

King Solomen

Where is the verse Solomon ordered the child to be cut in half?

1Kings 3:16-28

How did Solomon know that the woman who cried out was the real mother of the child?

A real mother would not want her child to be cut in half and killed.

Can you cut a mattress in half?

King size mattresses can be cut in half, but it depends on what the mattress is made of how difficult it would be to do, how much of a mess it would make, and how well it would work if you want to use it.

Who is the Bible King that decided the fate of the babies with the two mothers cut in half?

King Solomon was the one, known for his great wisdom which was bestowed on him by God.

Where in Jewish history does it say Isaiah was cut in half?

Talmud, Yevamot 49b. He was killed in that manner by King Menasheh.