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Q: What king was thirty-three when he took the crown from his cousin?
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After the death of Elizabeth I, the crown passed to her cousin, King James VI of Scotland, who became King James I of England. The line of monarchs descended from him were the Stuarts.

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because king rey took his crown away

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be cause fool i passed my crown to him... he took all responsiblitys from me.

What were the conditions of the time that lead to the exploration of the region?

because king rey took his crown away

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It was the sword and the crown of King Saul that Amalekite took to David after King Saul's death.

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King Edgar the AEtheling became king of England after the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror had him deposed a few moths afterwards and then took the crown himself.

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The Kings were chosen by Divine Right, meaning when the first King was ready to pass on the title his oldest son took the crown, and the crown was kept within one family. The second or next son often took the position of Head priest.

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King William II of England became King on 9 September 1087, inheriting the crown from his father, King William I. His coronation took place on 26 September 1087.

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all i know is pacal. he was a ruler/ priest that became king at age 6 and took the crown at 12

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King William the First, the Conqueror, lived in Normandy. He later conquered England, took the crown, and resided in England.

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It was a letter to the king explaining the problems with the crown and they were declaring independence. The king didn't take it seriously and thought of the colonists as having a temper tantrum. When Bunker Hill took place he took the separation from the government as treason and war.

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King Mene's main contribution to the success of Egypt was that he took over Lower Egypt and overthrew the king of Lower Egypt and he united both upper and lower Egypt into one great big kingdom. King Menes (or Narmer as he is also known) also showed unity of these two lands by building the city of Memphis which is in the middle of where the border of Upper and lower Egypt was. he also created the doudle crown, a crown made up of both the crown of Upper Egypt (the White Crown,) and the crown of Lower Egypt (the Red Crown)