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Q: What last problem must the group solve before leaving brutus home?
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Who was Brutus and Casius's?

Brutus and Cassius were two of the ringleaders of the group of conspirators who murdered Caesar.

How does brutus describe Antony to the group?

Brutus tells the group that Antony was like one of Caesar's arms. He was implying that once they killed Caesar, it would render Antony powerless.

Who plotted Caesar's death?

The group of conspirators consisting of- Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Cinna, Aemilius Lepidus, Decius Brutus, Trebonius and Ligarius.

Is Brutus the actual murderer of Caesar?

Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by a group of senators including Brutus and Cassius on 15th March 44Bc.

What was the Triumvirate doing?

planning revenge on Marcus brutus and his group of canspirators

Who are Cassius and Marcus Brutus?

Cassius and Brutus were the leaders of the group of senators that killed Julius Caesar. They also raised an army and fought against Octavian and Antony. They lost.

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Who is thinking about leaving one direction 2013?

No one is leaving the group.

Which is a better leaving group methyl group or hydride group?

Methyl group is a better leaving group compared to hydride group. This is because methyl group can stabilize the negative charge on the leaving group more effectively than hydride group due to the presence of additional carbon atoms. This makes the departure of a methyl group more favorable in organic reactions.

What 2 changes does brutus recommend in the assassination of Caesar?

Not to kill Antony and not to include Cicero in the group.

Who killed Julius Caesar?

There were 60 conspirators, led by Brutus, of which at least 23 stabbed him. Julius Caesar was murdered by Brutus, Cassius, Ligarious, Metallus, Casca, Trebonius, and Cinna. Studies have shown that he was left with 37 wounds

Why bromine is a better leaving group than chlorine?

Bromine is a better leaving group than chlorine due to its larger atomic size and lower electronegativity. The larger size of bromine allows for better stabilization of the negative charge that forms when it leaves a molecule, making it more stable and easier to depart. Additionally, the lower electronegativity of bromine means it is less likely to retain the departing electron pair, facilitating the leaving group process.