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Q: What letter follows pi?
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What follows Pi?


What is the sequence of pi?

The value of pi is as follows: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 etc.

What is the order of pi?

the order of pi up to the 35th place is as follows: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950419

What is the Greek letter between pi and pi?

There is no such letter because there is no interval between pi and pi.

Where did PI originate from?

PI is the Latin name of the Greek letter(by Greek letter I mean the PI symbol.


If you mean of a circle then they are as follows:- Circumference = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area = pi*radius squared

What is the Greek capital letter for Pi?

The Greek capital letter for Pi is Π.

What the diameter of a circle if the circumference is 9 inches?

Since the circumference is the diameter times pi, it follows that the diameter is the circumference divided by pi. Pi is approximately 3.1416.

What is the origin of the math term Pi?

The term pi comes from the greek letter pi, which is the first letter of the word which in English is "perimeter".

How and when do you use pi in school?

Some of its uses and applications are as follows:- Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area of a circle: pi*radius2 Volume of a sphere: 4/3*pi*radius3 Surface area of a sphere: 4*pi*radius2 Volume of a cone: 1/3*pi*radius2*height Curved surface area of a cone: pi*radius*slant length Volume of a cylinder: pi*radius2*height Entire surface area of a cylinder: (2*pi*radius2)+(diameter*pi*height) Pi is the value of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter Pi is the 16th letter of the Greek alpabet

Why does the Greek letter Pi signify the ratio of a circles circumference?

The Greek word for perimeter begins with the letter pi, and since circumference and perimeter are the same the letter Pi was used.

Where did they get the word pi from?

Pi is a Greek letter for the "P" sound.