

Best Answer

A,T,O,H,I,M,U,V,W,X,Y (depending on how they are written)

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Q: What letters of the alphabet have reflective symmetry?
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Which capital letters of the alphabet have 0 lines of symmetry?

ALL letters have at least one line of rotational symmetry. However - if you mean reflective symmetry, the letters F, G, J, L, P, Q, R, S, & Z do not.

Which letters of alphabet have no line symmetry?

all letters have a line of symmetry

What letters in the alphabet have vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry?

the letters are : E

Which uppercase letters in the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

H, I, O, and X have rotational symmetry.

What capital letters have rotational symmetry but not any lines of reflective symmetry?

Depending on the font, they are N, S and Z.

Which letters have half turn symmetry?

The letters with half turn symmetry in the alphabet are.......H, I, N, O, S, X, and Z.

What is rotational symmetry of alphabet?

The rotational symmetry of a plane object is the number of times it will look exactly like its original shape when you rotate it through 360 degrees in its plane. A whole alphabet has no rotational symmetry but some letters in an alphabet may have rotational symmetry. The number of symmetries depends on the alphabet, whether the letters are in upper or lower case as well as the font used.

What 3 capital letters other than O have rotational symmetry but no lines of reflective symmetry?

M w h

How many uppercase letters in the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

7 have rot

What are 3 letters of the alphabet with only 1 line of symmetry?


How many uppercase letters in the alphabet have reflection symmetry?

Eleven of them - AHIMOTUVWXY

What are letters of the alphabet that have only one vertical line of symmetry?

A, h, i,