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A line is a location on a flat space that extends infinitely in both directions. It has no width or thickness and can be represented by a series of points connected together.

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Q: What line is a location on a flat space?
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What is a on a location flat space?


Is a location on a flat space?


Where is A flat on the staff?

second space with flat sign. or high a flat is line above fifth line with flat sign

Is a point on a location on a flat space?


What does the bass clef A flat key look like?

B flat on the second line on the bass clef, E flat on the third space from the bottom, A flat on the first space from the bottom and the D flat on the middle line.

How do you write key A E Flat and D on the treble clef?

A is in the 2nd space, D is immediately below the staff or on the 4th line, E-flat is on the bottom line or top space.

What is a location on a flat plane is called?

can i plz get help

What does it mean when there is a flat sign beside a bass clef?

If there is a flat sign by the bass or treble clef, it depends on what line or space its on. Whatever note's line or space it's on, that note is played as a flat the whole piece. That is, unless there is a natural sign. Its the same way with sharps. So if a sharp or flat sign is on the f line/space, f would be sharp or flat for the whole piece IN BOTH THE BASS, AND TREBLE CLEF. If you're still confused, just say so and ill help.{If there is any accidental next to a clef it is denoting a Key Signature. For Example, if there is 1 flat it will be placed the line of B and it will indicate the key of F or Dm.}

How do you find Do on a music staff for a flat?

Whatever space or line the second to last flat is on, that is "do"

How do you locate the F flat on the staff?

Write a note (half note, quarter note or a whole note, it doesn't matter which) on any line or space where the "F" note in situated, then put a flat symbol in front of any note which sits on an "F line" or "F space". Just above the first line on the treble clef is where "Middle F" is located, so you'd just write a music note on that space and put the flat sign directly before it. Hope that helps.

What does the bass clef B flat key signature look like?

Bb has 2 Flats. Bb and Eb. The First Flat (Bb) Is on the second line from the bottom, and the second flat (Eb) is on the third space from the bottom.

What is an exact location in space usually represented by a dot?

It is a point : the intersection of two or more straight lines, or of a line with a plane that does not include the entire line.