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perpendicular lines

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Q: What lines meet to form four right angles?
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Two lines that interesect to form four right angles?

Two lines that intersect to form four right angles would be perpendicular lines.

Do perpendicular lines intersect to form four right angles?

yes, perpendicular lines form four right angles its be cuz two lines are intersects

What is lines which intersect to form four right angles?

a line that intersects to form four right angles is a perpendicular

Perpendicular lines form how many right angles?

This forms four right angles.

What are lines to form four right angles?


Lines that intersect to form four right angles?

They are perpendicular lines.

Two lines that intersect to form four right angles?

Perpendicular lines

Two intersecting lines that form four right angles?

Perpendicular lines

If two lines intersect then they form four right angles?

perpendicular lines

In geometry what intersects to form four right angles?

Two perpendicular lines intersect at right angles.

What does two intersecting perpendicular lines form?

They form four right angles.

What Lines that intersect to form four right angles is called?
