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Q: What logo has two straight grey lines with a red a curved line over top?
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What is shorter a straight line or a curved path between two straight lines?

Straight line.

What shape has no straight lines or curved lines?

There is no kind of shape that has a straight line or curved line a kind of element of the following question is "space"...hope this helps

Definition of curved line?

A kind of line which is not required to be straight. Curved lines are often called irregular lines.

Are there any more lines than just straight and curved?

There can be a combination of the two - a line that is straight for a while and then curved, or a zigzag.

Types of line?

There are different types of lines: curved lines, dotted lines, wavy lines and straight lines.

Each line segment in a polygon is?

Straight. No curved lines. And no open spaces the line has to be whole.

Is ellipse a polygon?

No it cannot. A polygon is a plane space enclosed by straight lines. An ellipse consists of a curved line, not straight lines.

Is a circle a curved shape?

A curved shape does not have any straight lines. In a circle the line curves continually, meaning that the circle is a curved shape.

What is a shape made up of line segments?

A shape made up of line segments is a shape with straight lines, or a polygon. for example, a square has straight lines, or is made up of line segments. A circle is not in that category because it has no straight lines, they are curved.

How many lines can be drawn through 2 points?

1 straight line. An infinite number of curved lines.

What line change direction gradually?

Curved lines gradually change direction in a smooth manner. This is in contrast to straight lines, which change abruptly. Curved lines are often found in nature and can create a sense of movement or flow in a design.

What are curved lines?

A curve is like a line segment, but not straight. Theoretically, "curved lines", is an incorrect terminology, as curve is never straight and a line is always straight. Mathematically a curve can be defined by a simple equation: γ : I → X where, I = Real number interval X = Topological space simply put, it's a line which is bent. Cheers!