the ls is a gangs in the kastanyas ST
The circumference of the TOP of a watermelon is 0.
It is: 600
Head to the nearest Lexus dealer that is how they design the car and yes it a shame.
LS= Luxury Sedan
it is located on the right hand side , if you follow the muffler pipe from the cylinder you will see a rounded tringluar plate that has 3 Allen screws, that is were it is.
the command is - ls there are other options and flags for the ls command which can be viewed by typing man ls if you type 'man ls' in a google search, it will show you the same manual
LS=Large Scale
ls --> will list the files and directories but ls -a --> will list the hidden files too, by Dhanush M
Using man ls will open the manual page for the ls command. The ls command lists the files and folders in the current directory.
The LS is just a trim level designation that may or may not have a meaning. In the past LS meant Luxury Sedan.
LS engine
Laurence Stephen