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World War two was happening and Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream speech"

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Q: What major events occurred in 1985-1989?
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When the probability of one event occurred is not affected by a second event having already occurred the two events are said to be?

The two events are said to be independent.

What is the meaning of sequence of event?

The order the events occurred in.

What events occurred in 1763?

the proclamation of 1763 decleration of independents

What events occurred on December 25?

Take your pick from the related link.

What forms of organization arranges events in the order in which they occurred?

chronological order

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Where can one find a timeline of the major world events that occurred in the 1990s?

One can find a timeline of the major world events that occurred in the 1990s by going to the Cutting Edge website. The website has information on many decades' important events.

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What major events occurred in the 1990's?

1: Hotel Rwanda

What major events happend in 1966?

Check out the related link to see events that occurred during 1966.

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What are Major events that occurred before man?

God created the earth and the universe!