4 is not prime.
4 and 25 are not prime numbers.
2 is the only prime factor of 4.
You might be thinking of relatively prime numbers. Two numbers are considered relatively prime if their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
No prime numbers are only divisible by one and by themselves.
No they are not prime numbers because 4 is composite.
4 is not prime.
The prime numbers from 1 to 4 are 2 and 3.
Prime numbers : 2, 3, 5, 7 Composite numbers : 4, 6, 8, 9
There are no even prime numbers in that range.
No. If they end in 4, they are even numbers and divisible by 2, and therefore are not prime.
There aren't any prime numbers divisible by 4. Prime numbers aren't divisible by anything except 1 and the number.
47 does not have 4 prime numbers (factors or divisors).
NO!!!! Other than '2' all prime numbers are odd numbers. 4,6,10 & 20 are all even so they are not prime numbers.
4 and 25 are not prime numbers.
2 is the only prime factor of 4.
The numbers are CO-prime, but not necessarily prime numbers: think of 3 and 4....