

What makes a good kite?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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Q: What makes a good kite?
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How do you make kite on alchemy classic?

Snake + air makes kite good luck!

What makes a kite move?

The wind makes a kite move

What makes a kite a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral has four sides. A kite has four sides. Therefore, a kite is a quadrilateral.

Kite is a good movie say in Spanish?

The spanish translation for "Kite is a good movie" is "Kite es una buena película".

Why is a flying kite good?

A non flying kite would defeat the purpose of it being a kite entirely.

What makes kites go higger and lower?

The wind speed. The angle of attack of the kite to the wind. The weight of the kite.

A kite has one pair of opposite angles?

No. A kite has four angles so that makes 2 pairs of opposite angles.

How many diagonals does a kite have?

A kite has two diagonals. To see a drawing that makes it perfectly clear, use the link below.A 4 sided quadrilateral kite has 2 diagonals

Does the tail of kite affect its flight?

Yes - the tail adds stability. Without it - the kite would just spin. The tail makes the bottom of the kite slightly heavier so it flies vertically.

Why do a kite has a tail?

To keep it balanced because the kite may go really high but the tail makes it weigh a little bit more.

How do kites fly?

Kites fly due to the pressure difference created by the wind blowing over and under the kite. The shape of the kite and the angle at which it is held in the wind create lift, allowing the kite to stay airborne. By pulling on the string, the flyer can control the kite's position and direction in the sky.

What polygon makes up a kite?

Two equilateral triangles or one rhombus.