

What makes a pattern?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What makes a pattern?
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What dimensional pattern makes a rectangular solid?

A 3-dimensional pattern.

How do you write a sentence with pattern?

Mom makes dresses using a paper pattern. A pattern can be seen in the numbers when they are analyzed.

How can you describe a pattern with an algebraic expression?

Describe what specifically about it makes it a pattern. What about it repeats and why that repetition is unique.

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How do you pattern a shotgun?

A pattern of a shotgun is determined by the choke at the factory. Some models have a variable choke that makes the user able to change the pattern.

How are the seasons a pattern?

They always repeat every year so the 4 seasons come again and again so it makes a pattern

What is the word for the particular pattern that makes up tartan?

I believe the word is 'sett'

How do car keys differ with various makes and models?

Car keys are cut differently so that it makes it difficult for unwanted people to drive away with your car. To do this, they grind a pattern on the edge of the key or they Lazar cut a pattern on the middle surface of the key. This method makes it nearly impossible to duplicate.

What type of mass movement makes a pattern of wrinkles or terraces on hillsides?

Terracettes are miniature terraces or ridges that form on hillsides due to creep or solifluction processes. They are typically small in scale and are common in landscapes with clay-rich soils that are prone to mass movement.

When do you use solid pattern for casting?

solid pattern is used to create the mould cavity. it is a full size model of a part that makes an impression in the sand.

What is the bolt pattern for stock rims from a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

5 X 4.5 the most common pattern of all types of makes and models

What is the pattern number of gas oxygen technical?

That question makes no sense whatsoever.. you know that right?