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i think its when you are make a float and you put a soda in it in it foams a float

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Q: What makes foams To stand up straight?
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Which molecule allow a blade of grass to stand up straight?

Cellulose, lignin, hemi-cellulose and fibres are all molecules in the structure of the plant cell wall that makes the plant (in this case a blade of grass) stand up straight. Polysaccharide

What force do most green plants rely on to stand up?

Most green plants grow toward the sun. The chitin and cellulose found in the plant's cell walls is what makes them stand up straight.

Do you check the trans fluid on the stand or straight up 2004 softail?

straight up.

What is regopstaan?

Regopstaan is to stand up straight.

Why do they have spines?

It is to help you stand up straight

What organelle helps a plant stand up?

cellulose and chitin help plants stand straight up.

What does it mean if you can't stand up straight?

Your broken

What type of molecule allows a blade of grass to stand up straight?

Turgor pressure is what allows a blade of grass to stand up straight. This is a type of a molecule.

Does the flutes stand have to correlate with the flute?

No,but it shouldnt be too high to where you cant see the conductor but not too low to where your looking down at the stand (this makes the flute sound bad) i keep my stand to where im looking straight at it yet i can glance up at the conductor if i have to.

Can invertebrates stand up straight?

Cause there gay :D

How do you ride wave?

stand up bend your knees and go straight