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Q: What makes it easier to understand things that are too small or too large or too hard to observe directly?
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What makes it easier to understand things that are too small to large or too hard to observe directly?

A general answer to your question would be: tools. For example, a microscope is a tool that makes it easier to understand things that are too small to observe directly. An x-ray machine is a tool that allows us to see inside of things that are too hard to see inside of directly. A knife is a tool that allows us to cut up large things to see what is inside of them.

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Some what bumpy, probably to make things go through easier.

Helps us understand something that we cannot see directly?

Scientific instruments, such as microscopes or telescopes, can help us observe and understand things that are not visible to the naked eye. By collecting and analyzing data, these tools allow us to infer information about phenomena that are beyond our direct perception.

Used to represent things that happen too slowly or quickly to observe directly?

Indicators like clocks, timers, or sensors can be used to measure events that occur too quickly or slowly for direct observation. Data collected by these indicators can help provide insight into the timing of these events.

Is it true models help people study things that cannot be observed directly?

Yes, models help people study things that cannot be observed directly by providing simplified representations that allow us to better understand complex systems or phenomena. Models can simulate, predict, and test hypotheses about phenomena that are difficult or impossible to observe in real life.

Why do writers of the Bible use symbols?

Because, sometimes symbols make things easier to understand.

What is something that helps us understand something that we cannot see directly?

Using scientific tools like microscopes, telescopes, or sensors can help us observe and understand things that are too small, too far away, or outside the range of human senses. These tools provide data and information that can help us infer and learn about the unseen phenomena.

What is a eqivalent to 50 percent?

1 Half Because a percentage is always from 100 to make things easier to understand

How are models useful to scientists?

A model can be useful by helping scientists study and understand things that are complex or can't be observed directly. It allows scientists to visualize and examine things that might not otherwise be physically accessible i.e. anything microscopic.

How can I find maths easier?

Repetition. I find that things get easier the more times I do them.

What is one way ultrasound used in medicine?

people use ultrasound technologies, such as sonar and ultrasound imaging to observe things that they cannot see directly.