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Q: What makes it harder to find the center of an irregular figure than a regular one?
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Is pre-algebra harder than regular math?

I think it is harder than math. You usually need to get straight A's on math to get into pre algebra

What is 10 times 5 with mental math?

50 what's "mental math" supposed to mean? if it just means you did it in your head, then there is no difference between mental and regular math, except that it is harder to check your work.

Do polygons have 4 sides?

Polygon is a general term describing a closed figure with 3 or more sides. A triangle, then, is a 3-sided polygon, a square or trapezoid is a 4-sided polygon. You could have a polygon that has 18 sides, but the more sides the figure has, the more it approaches being a circle, and the harder it is to even tell that it's a polygon.

How do you do area for an irregular shape?

There are three main methods: Method 1: The simplest situation is one in which the irregular shape can be divided up into shapes whose areas can be calculated. For example, the outline of an ice-cream cone may be viewed as a triangle with a semi-circle on top. So calculate the areas for the bits and add them up. Method 2: Trace the shape onto dense lamina of uniform thickness. Cut out the shape and measure its mass. Next cut out a UNIT square of the same lamina and measure its mass. Then Area of irregular shape = Mass of irregular lamina/Mass of lamina square. Method 3: Trace the shape onto a sheet of paper with square gridlines on it. Count the number of whole (or almost whole) squares inside the shape = A. Count the number of squares where approximately half is inside the area = B. Ignore all squares where only a tiny bit is in the marked area. Then, Area of irregular shape = (A+B/2)*area of unit square in the grid. The finer the grid, the more accurate your result, but also the harder you'll have to work.

Find area of an irregular shape?

If you can find the perimeter, then you can find the area. Calculate the perimeter. Then times the top sides by the left and right sides (and obviously the bottom!) the there you have it. The area of an irregular shape! * * * * * Total nonsense! The above applies only to a square or rectangle - and a square in not even an irregular shape! There are three main methods: Method 1: The simplest situation is one in which the irregular shape can be divided up into shapes whose areas can be calculated. For example, the outline of an ice-cream cone may be viewed as a triangle with a semi-circle on top. So calculate the areas for the bits and add them up. Method 2: Trace the shape onto dense lamina of uniform thickness. Cut out the shape and measure its mass. Next cut out a UNIT square of the same lamina and measure its mass. Then Area of irregular shape = Mass of irregular lamina/Mass of lamina square. Method 3: Trace the shape onto a sheet of paper with square gridlines on it. Count the number of whole (or almost whole) squares inside the shape = A. Count the number of squares where approximately half is inside the area = B. Ignore all squares where only a tiny bit is in the marked area. Then, Area of irregular shape = (A+B/2)*area of unit square in the grid. The finer the grid, the more accurate your result, but also the harder you'll have to work.

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I think it is harder than math. You usually need to get straight A's on math to get into pre algebra

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Low! Harder to tip over.