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Q: What makes something three dimensional?
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What is 3 dimensional figures?

Something that is not flat. A cube is three-dimensional, but a square is not. A sphere is three-dimensional, but a circle is not.

What does 3-d stands for?

3D stands for 3 dimensional. If something is 3 dimensional it appears to you as if it were real and lifelike.

What makes proteins three-dimensional?

Hydrophobic interactions cause proteins to form into a three-dimensional shape.

What is a three dimensional space occupied by something?


What is sculptor?

An artist who makes three dimensional art is a sculptor.

What is the three dimensional shape of SiF4?

It is something... myley cyrus

How is a cube and a rectangle different?

A cube is a three dimensional object with all sides of equal length. A rectangle is a two dimensional figure with two pairs of sides equal in length. Three dimensional is like a rubrics cube, something you can hold. A two dimensional figure is something you can not hold, a drawing is two dimensional.

What is a measure of the size of a body or a region in three dimensional space called?

The measure of the size of something in three-dimensional space is its volume.

Who makes three dimensional printers?

There are TONS of companies, but three of the main ones are Makerbot, Ultimaker, and Lulzbot.

Which of these applies to form one dimensional two dimensional or three dimensional?

three dimensional

Why can't you cube a liter?

To 'cube' something in science means to turn a one dimensional entity like distance into a three dimensional entity like volume. With this in mind a liter is a measure of volume and therefore is already three dimensional.

What is the three dimensional image made with laser light?

something that is viewed in 3-d