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Q: What marble is often used in a sculpture because it even color allows it to be curved and detailed shapes?
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Flasks with curved necks are important because they are designed to fit the human hand making them easier to grip and pour from. Additionally the curved neck allows for a smoother pour and helps prevent spills. Lastly the curved neck helps to reduce the amount of air that enters the flask which helps to preserve and protect the contents. Designed to fit the human hand making them easier to grip and pour from Curved neck allows for a smoother pour and helps prevent spills Reduces the amount of air that enters the flask which helps to preserve and protect the contents

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because they need to be curved in order to reflect like a convex mirror needs to be curved so it can show thing bigger

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Both the flower and the letter a are curved because the a has a curve and the flower has pedals that are curved.

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The curved shape of the jet stream is primarily influenced by the Earth's rotation and the temperature differences between air masses. The Coriolis effect, caused by the Earth's rotation, leads to the jet stream following a meandering path at high altitudes. Additionally, temperature contrasts between warm and cold air masses can create areas of low and high pressure, which further shapes the jet stream pattern.

Is a rectangle with curved points a polygon?

no because a polygon can not have curved edges,points,sides,ect.

Would a shadow cast on Earth be straight or curved?

Well, if you had a shadow cast on earth, it would appear curved because the of the Earth's surface is curved

Can a quadrilateral shape have curved side?

no because a quadrilateral has straight sides if it were curved it wouldn't be a polygon because polygons must have straight sides

Why a Diet Coke cans has a special curved shape?

it is curved like that because that is what holds the liquid in the bottle

Why are dams not build straight?

Dams are built curved because arches and curved structures have more strength.