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algebra, geometry, statistics...

anything in fact.

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Q: What math do you use in everyday life?
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Use of math in your daily life?

We use 99.9 percent of math in our everyday life.

What are the uses of accounting in everyday life?

Yes, because you use math in everyday life. And counting is math ,because there numbers and numbers are apart of math.

How do you use math in your everyday life?

adding subracting mulitplying and counting everyday

How does math affect your health?

no , you will use it everyday of your life

Explain how jobs mainly use math?

in everyday life you always use math without knowing it

What has nothing to with math?

now that you mention it, nothing really. we use math in our everyday life. =}

Can you give some use or applications of mathematics in every life?

you use math in everyday of your life !

Why is math compulsory?

Because you use math in everyday situations and is a good skill to be good at in life.

How relevant is the use of math in everyday life?

Math is relevant to everyday life because we have to use it with most jobs that we have and you have to use it when grocery shopping. Math is very useful and you should learn it if you ever want to have a decent job. Personally, I HATE math but I know that I will need it everyday when I get older, so I have to do good and try hard in math even though i don't like it.

How much do people use math everyday?

this is a true answer == == math is notused very much in everyday life only if it interfers with your job like being a math teacher

Do scientists and engineers use math everyday or not?

everyday they use math

How would a carpenter apply math and measurement into there everyday life?

Carpenters use math and accurate measurements in everyday life by using tape measures and levels and angle measuring devices.