420 - 35 equal = 385
One yard is equal to three feet. Therefore, 420 yards is equal to 420 x 3 = 1260 feet.
There are: 420/60 = 7 minutes
420 centimeters is equal to 166.007905 inches
One week is equal to 24 x 7 = 168 hours. Therefore, 420 hours is equal to 420/168 = 2.5 weeks.
420 - 35 equal = 385
A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.
75percent of 420 is equal to 315.
12 times 35 is equal to 420.
One yard is equal to three feet. Therefore, 420 yards is equal to 420 x 3 = 1260 feet.
There are infinitely many math problems whose solution would be -7. Here is a simple algebra problem: x + 10 = 3. What is x? The answer (you guessed it) is -7.
There are: 420/60 = 7 minutes