figure math means figure math
multiply, multiplication, multiple
Unit means one and polygon means many. So I've heard.
Compute means to figure out the question and get an answer.
it means to figure out what kind of property it is
figure math means figure math
multiply, multiplication, multiple
Unit means one and polygon means many. So I've heard.
=it means that your to dumb to figure it out .=
Compute means to figure out the question and get an answer.
breh I sadly don't. Know either and its for a quiz and we never learned about Latin and stuff and we are only in 4th grade so how do they think we know Latin?
poly (polynomial) means many uni (unidirectional) means one
it means to figure out what kind of property it is
It means that it is joined up at the end i.e. there are no gaps in it.
evaluate means to figure out the value of something