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t = 2*pi*sqrt(l/g)

Where t is the period,

l is the length

and g is the accelaration due to gravity.

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Q: What mathematical relationship applies between the pendulum length and the oscillation period?
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What is the theory of oscillation?

The theory of oscillation is a mathematical theory that describes the behavior of a system that experiences periodic changes in a regular, repeating pattern. It is based on the concept of a simple harmonic oscillator, which is a system where an object (like a mass on a spring) moves back and forth in a predictable and repetitive motion. The theory of oscillation applies to physical systems, such as pendulums, electrical circuits, and many other types of systems. It can also be used to describe certain mathematical models, such as the wave equation and the equations of motion.The theory of oscillation is based on the idea that a system with certain properties can be described by a mathematical equation. This equation is known as a differential equation, and it describes the behavior of the system over time as it experiences different forces and influences. The properties of the system, such as its mass, spring constant, and other factors, determine how the system will behave. The motion of the system is described by the solution to the differential equation, which is known as the oscillation equation. The theory of oscillation helps to explain the behavior of a system in terms of certain variables, such as position, velocity, acceleration, and force. It can also be used to determine the frequency, amplitude, and phase of a system's oscillation. Additionally, it can be used to analyze the stability of a system, which is important to understand when designing a system that has to operate under certain conditions.

What is an oscilator?

An oscillation is a term we could use to refer to a single cycle of a cyclic or repeating motion. Let's just take one example (so we don't run it into the ground) and see how it applies. And we'll use that familiar pendulum clock. The pendulum on a clock will be driven by a spring. We swing the pendulum up, release it, and gravity and the spring do the rest. The spring, as you have guessed, adds just enough energy to offset the friction loss in the system. When we lift the pendulum and release it, it is pulled down (accelerated) by gravity. It passes through a point where it is at the "bottom" of the swing (having achieved maximum velocity), and then heads up on the other side. It's decelerating here under the influence of gravity - that same gravity that accelerated it. I continues to slow, it stops, and then accelerates back down and across the "middle" or "bottom" again. Up it goes to the top of its arc on the other side, and it returns to its starting point. It has completed one cycle of its oscillation. It has performed one oscillation. Simple, and easy.

If a person pulls a hanging pendulum to one side and holds it what happens?

it has potential energy while your hand applies and equal and opposite force

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The distributive property applies to two mathematical operations over some set - not a single number!

What is the distrulive property of 80 plus 16?

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What enables a pendulum to swing back and forth in a grandfather clock?

The pendulum in a grandfather clock swings back and forth due to the force of gravity. When the pendulum is pushed to one side, gravity pulls it back towards the center. The swinging motion continues because of this repeated force from gravity.

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Will law of energy conservation apply to simple pendulum?

Yes, the law of energy conservation applies to a simple pendulum. The total mechanical energy (kinetic energy + potential energy) of the pendulum remains constant as it swings back and forth, assuming no external forces are acting on it. Therefore, energy is conserved in the system.

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