The made up ones. People pretending to be mathematicians 'make up' statistics all the time to make themselves look good. Hopefully, the true mathematicians will catch them at it and put a stop to it.
Example: The 'statistic' that CO2 causes the temperature to rise is false. The ice core records prove that the temperature rose before the CO2 rose. But, the 'climate change' alarmists don't want to listen to the truth. They just make up their own 'statistics'.
Data programming Analysis Statistics
it means to be wrong
A mathematical science that involves the collecting, organizing , analysing data and drawing conclusions.
sorry wrong site
It is recommended that an economics student take calculus, linear algebra and mathematical statistics.
Jerzy Neyman has written: 'Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics and probability' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics 'Joint statistical papers' 'Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics'
Lincoln L. Chao has written: 'Statistics; an intuitive approach' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics, Probabilities 'Statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics, Statistics 'Study guide for Statistics for management' 'Solutions manual to accompany Statistics'
Peter J. Bickel has written: 'Mathematical statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics
Samuel S. Wilks has written: 'Mathematical statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics
J. F. Ractliffe has written: 'Elements of mathematical statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics
Paul Gerhard Hoel has written: 'Introduction to mathematical statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics
T. S. Arthanari has written: 'Mathematical programming in statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics, Programming (Mathematics)
V. K. Rohatgi has written: 'An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics, Probabilities
Johnson Sunday Ajose Osho has written: 'Mathematical statistics in a forced marriage with forestry' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Mathematical statistics, Agriculture, Forests and forestry
John Mandel has written: 'The statistical analysis of experimental data' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics, Methodology, Science, Statistical methods, Statistics 'Analysis of two-way layouts' -- subject(s): Charts, diagrams, Mathematical statistics, Statistics, Tables
Michael Hugill has written: 'Advanced statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics
One of the main subjects that is covered in a mathematical statistics class is probability. Another of the main subjects that is covered is making predictions based on trends.