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Q: What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand von Lindemann deterime to be a transcendental number in 1882?
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A seismograph left on the moon could be used to deterime?

seismic activity, I think

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How to test water pollution?

to take a sample an inspect it under a microscope and deterime if water is polluted

Who was the worst general?

That is impossible to tell there have been thousands of generals throughout history that have screwed up, from the time of ancient Rome to today, my advice is to look at the history of large empires to deterime the worst general

Will a smog test deterime if you have a bad spark plug or wire?

No. It will just report that emissions are too high. The report may list spark plugs or wires as a possible cause for the high emissions. But the test itself cannot pinpoint them as the cause.

How do you differentiate between starting a new type of birth control from depo to pill and actually being pregnant?

The best thing to do would be to use a condom for 4 weeks when you first start birth control and to speak to your Doctor about having a pregnancy blood test performed to deterime if you've conceived.

How does an optometrist perform a typical eye exam?

Typically an optometrist will take special photos of your eye to view the back of it and the inside of it allowing them to see if there are any severe medical or clogged blood vessels. Next they will test your vision by having you read a chart. Then if they deterime you need correction you will be asked to read close-up and far-away with different level of corrections on your eyes.

How do you deterime sq. ft. in a room?

The square footage of a room depends on what you are measuring for. You may want the floor space to determine how large the room is, or the square footage of the walls to determine how much wall paper or paint you require. Also, the area of the room will depend on its shape. Not all rooms are rectangular. There is, therefore, too much that is unknown to be able to give a proper answer.

How do you convert DAT file format to Excel XLS file format?

DAT is a generic file extension (usually short for DATA). Its format and content are determined by the application that created the file. Without knowing what file created the DAT file, it would be very difficult to deterime how (or even if it was possible) to convert to XLS format. See related links for more information about the DAT file extension.

How can you deterime if a metamorphic rock should be classfied as foliated nonfoilated?

Metamorphic rocks can be classified as foliated if they exhibit a layered or banded structure due to the alignment of mineral grains. Non-foliated rocks lack this layering and typically have a more uniform appearance. To determine the classification, you would examine the texture of the rock under a microscope to look for alignment of minerals (foliation) or lack thereof (non-foliation).

How do you deterime phenotypes?

phenotypes are decided by the alleles for that particular characteristic, by a dominant or two recessive alleles. For example, cystic fibrosis has a recessive allele so the phenotype of cystic fibrosis would only appear if there were two of the recessive allele, one from each parent, were present. A heterozygous carrier of the cystic fibrosis allele would show the phenotype of not having cystic fibrosis. So to determine the phenotype simply find out which allele is dominant and find what alleles each parent has the the probability of each phenotype can be calculated

How do you deterime what kind of a led light bulb you need for your home?

Light bulbs are chosen for the purpose that they are required to fulfill. Outside decorative lamps will use low wattage to highlight the side of a home. Security lamps will need a high wattage high focused beam to lighten a dark area. Lighting over kitchen counters needs to have a high wattage to light the counter from the distance of the ceiling. LED lamps can fulfill these requirements but the light output is a personal choice. What might be bright for some people will be dim for other people. The big advantage of LED lamps is the longevity and the low wattage output which leads to a lower overall operating cost.