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Q: What mathematician Eratosthenes looks like?
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When was Eratosthenes of Cyrene the Greek mathematician born?

He was born in 276 BC.

What date was Sieve Eratosthenes born?

About 276 BC Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician who is credited with a simple method of making a list of as many primes as you wish. His method is known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

The Greek geographer mathematician astronomer and poet who calculated the circumference of Earth was?


Did Eratosthenes have any offspring?

si eratosthenes ay isang Greek astronomer geographer, at isang mathematician. Siya ay nanggaling sa mars

Who made the word geography?

The ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes is called the "father of geography" for that reason.

Who invented prime number?

prime numbers are invented by srinivasan ramanujan, an Indian mathematician.

How was the Mathematician who found a very simple method for finding the prime and composite numbers in the third century BC?


Where was Eratosthenes of Cyrene the Greek mathematician born?

He was (as the name already suggests) born in Cyrene in today's Libya, in 276 BC.

When did Eratosthenes live and die?

Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene, Shahhat, Libya in 276 BC and died in Alexandria, Egypt in 194 BC. He was an astronomer, mathematician, and geographer, who eventually became the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria.

Who invented sieve of Eratosthenes?

the person that invented the sive was actually eratosthenes of cyrene. cyrene is were he lived which is now in libya, he name the sive after himslef. he was a great mathematician, astronmer, and a excellant geograher, he also worked in a library.

What does the prime number graph invented by Eratosthenes look like?

it looks like a 100 square grid with 1 to 100 and you highlight all the prime numbers