The word "algebra" comes from the Arabic "al-jabr", translating as "restoration".
i hate maths
my nth term maths is very tuff because its syallabus is changed
The Roman numeral of MDCL converted into an Hindu-Arabic numeral is 1650
Term to Term rule in Maths is how much you go up or down in. e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6 would be +1
The etymology behind the algebra is a cognate from Arabic language. The word transliterated from its Arabic origin would be "al-jabr."
The mathematical term for pattern in maths is "sequence". Hope this helps : )
The name of the element boron probably comes from either the Persian or Arabic term for the mineral borax (burah and buraq, respectively).
Not at all If we want PENINSULA in Arabic we say Shabah AlJazeera
The word Ummah comes from the language of Arabic. It is a term which is usually used to describe the muslim nation, as well as it being one nation and community.
A term is like term one, two, and three. Like report cards that's why you get three.
physics pinned with maths, comes under science
It is supposably Imam.