450 in roman numerals is CDL
The Roman numerals of CDL are equivalent to 450
CDL = 450
To write 450 in Roman numerals, you would use the combination of CD (400) and L (50). Therefore, 450 in Roman numerals is CDL.
The Roman numeral for 400 is CD, which can be used to represent CDL as 450.
450 in roman numerals is CDL
The Roman numerals of CDL are equivalent to 450
To write 450 in Roman numerals, you would use the combination of CD (400) and L (50). Therefore, 450 in Roman numerals is CDL.
CDL = 450
The Roman numeral for 400 is CD, which can be used to represent CDL as 450.
It has no meaning. K is not a roman numeral.
CDL = 450
Nowadays as a Roman numeral 450 is equivalent to CDL
The Roman numeral for 450 is CDL. "CD" represents 400, and "L" represents 50.
70 of course !
450 and 7 respectively