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If you are drawing something say in a 1/10 scale or a 1:10 scale, this will make the lines in your picture or map 10 times smaller than in real life

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Q: What means choose a scale where 10 cm corresponds to 1 cm?
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Is On a decibel scale an increase of 10 decibels means an intensity increase of?

An increase of 10 decibels represents a tenfold increase in intensity. For example, going from 50 dB to 60 dB corresponds to a tenfold increase in sound intensity.

Each step of 1 on the Richter scale of earthquake magnitude corresponds to a change in energy release of a factor of about?

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Earthquake intensity is charted on a Richter scale on a scale of 1 to .?

The Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake, not its intensity. The Richter scale ranges from 1 to 10, with each whole number increase representing a tenfold increase in amplitude of seismic waves. Each level on the scale corresponds to an increase in energy released by the earthquake.

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A sound intensity of 10^-9 W/m^2 corresponds to a sound level of 92 dB. Sound intensity is measured on a logarithmic scale in decibels (dB), with each increase of 10 dB representing a 10-fold increase in intensity.

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Gauge refers specifically to the size of the rail, while scale can be used for anything. scale 1:10 means that things in the model are 1/10 the size of reality.

1 deci on the map represents 1 meter on the ground?

If the scale is 1:10, it means that every 1 cm on the map represents 10 meters on the ground. So, if a decimeter on the map (10 cm) represents 10 meters on the ground, the scale would be 1:10.

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There is no prefix for "10-3".

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How much of an increase in wave amplitude is seen from an earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale compared to one measuring 4.4?

An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale would have 10 times higher wave amplitude compared to one measuring 4.4. The Richter scale is logarithmic, so each whole number increase corresponds to a 10-fold increase in amplitude.

What is 0.1 as a percentage?

0.1 as a fraction is 1/10, which corresponds to 10%.

How is the energy of a sound wave related to its measured value on a decibal scale?

The energy of a sound wave is directly proportional to its amplitude. On the decibel scale, the intensity or power of the sound wave is measured in relation to a reference level, typically the threshold of human hearing. Decibels represent a logarithmic scale that quantifies the relative intensity of sound waves, with each 10 dB increase corresponding to a tenfold increase in energy.

What scale is the instrument that is used to record primary secondary and surface waves of an earthquake?

The Richter Magnitude Scale. The magnitude is a base-10 logarithmic scale obtained by calculating the logarithm of the amplitude of waves measured by a seismograph. An earthquake that measures 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger and corresponds to an energy release of approximately 31.6 times greater than one that measures 4.0 The same applies comparing a 4.0 to a 3.0, a 6.0 to a 5.0, and so on.