

What means easily carried about?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Q: What means easily carried about?
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The phrase don't get carried away means to not get overcome with emotion, or get carried away with ones actions.

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This describes something that you can carry easily?

Compact or mobile are words that are usually applied to create a phrase of something that can be carried easily.

What does get carried away mean?

The phrase don't get carried away means to not get overcome with emotion, or get carried away with ones actions.

What does carried away mean?

The phrase don't get carried away means to not get overcome with emotion, or get carried away with ones actions.

What is the root 'port-' in English?

Carry is the meaning of the root syllable 'port-'. An example of a Latin derivative is the verb 'portare', which is Latin for 'to carry'. An example of an English derivative is the adjective 'portable', which means 'easily carried'.

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"Flammable" means to ignite or burn easily.

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To encumber, to be encumbered means exactly that.