Goosfraba is word that Inuit use to calm down their children. Also a word Inuit use when they're having sex.
Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.
That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.
Yes... Deca- means times 10. Hecto- means times 100. Kilo- means times 1000. Mega- means times 1,000,000. Giga- means times 1,000,000,000. Tera- means times 1,000,000,000,000. Deci- means divided by 10. Centi- means divided by 100. Milli- means divided by 1000. Micro- means divided by 1,000,000. Nano- means divided by 1,000,000,000. Pico- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000. Femto- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000.
multiple means multiple, plus means plus.
25519 means
Anger management
Anger Management
A word used in the film "Anger Management" by Buddy Rydell in order to keep his patients from becoming irate was Goosfraba. Goosfraba is actually something Eskimo mothers whisper to calm and sooth their children.
Goos-fraba is a term from the movie Anger Managment. You're suppose to say it to help you calm down so that you don't act or respond in anger. In the movie, it is explained that it is an Eskimo word used by mothers to calm their babies.
you would have to talk to the movie writers... or an eskimo. either one should know.
It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.
de- means from, down, outdeca- means tendemi- means halfdi- means two, doubledia- means through acrossdis- means apart, out, notdorn- means sleepdys- means baddin- means terribledino- means terribledeci- means tenth
M means movementR means respirationN means nutritionI means iritationG means growthE means excretionR means reproductionD means dirth and birth
Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.
Der Rat means advice or council.rufen means to call.regnen means to rain.Der Regen means rain.Die Ratte means rat.reich means rich.Das Reich means empire or realm.Die Rente means means to travel.rauchen means to smoke.rennen means to run.Die Religion means religion.Der Roman means novel.
J means joyful A means adorable K means kind E means excellent R means respectful I means intellegent A means active
Yellow means your happy Blue means your sad Red means your mad Green means your funny Purple means your bored Pink means your in a shopping mood Black means your Emo