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Q: What means to take the smaller ideas you already have and make a bigger idea out of them?
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You have two numbers. You want to know which one is bigger and which one is smaller. Start counting . . . one, two, three, four . . . etc. -- The one you get to first is the smaller one. -- The one you get to last is the bigger one.

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Example Sentences:Exaggerate means to make a bigger story out of something small.

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it means to see which number is bigger and which number is smaller

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A sharp point has a smaller area than a blunter point. That is, essentially, what sharpness means.

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The larger number is bigger in this case. More MB means more storage space, or more data has to be transmitted.

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4th's are bigger as something divided into only 4 pieces means the pieces are bigger, compared to something divided into 7 smaller pieces.